No Sugar Added - Splenda for the Soul

contact at ej.nosugar + gmail

No Sugar Motivations

a song for pants

  • TV - Wolf Like Me

  • places to go

  • Over Shadowed
  • The 1095 Project
  • Polaroid-o-nizer

  • people to watch

  • Emma Story
  • Vicki Vick
  • Stevie Ben
  • Shaz Bill
  • Tony Pierce
  • Matt Good
  • Phil Px
  • Raymi Lauren
  • Patrick Zaph

    songs for pants

  • Matt Good
  • Jack Johnson
  • Small Sins
  • Coheed & Cambria
  • Nine Inch Nails

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  • Thursday, July 07, 2005
    its a funny feeling. the feeling of the passage of time. the fact that everything about it is so untangible. i say this because it is becoming more and more apparent to me how quickly things happen in our lives. and maybe to squeeze out one last tired cliche time is fleeting. what makes me say this is that something has been dawning on me for quite a while. in this case its the fact that my sister is pretty well all grown up. i think the first sign was that her stuff in the bathroom all of a sudden took up all the space. and instead of berettes my sister is wearing make up and junk. its funny cause i don't think of her as grown up i still think of her as 5 when me and her used to play games and do lots of things together. and now she's all grown up and it just makes you think of the times that have passed and stuff. iono. its fun to think about those things sometimes. anyways enuf of this. e.j. promises to be back to his humorous bloggin' self by the afternoon. salivate thinkin of the story of niels and the jeep full of forbidden parking lot love makin'

    EJ [ 5:27 AM ]