No Sugar Added - Splenda for the Soul

contact at ej.nosugar + gmail

No Sugar Motivations

a song for pants

  • TV - Wolf Like Me

  • places to go

  • Over Shadowed
  • The 1095 Project
  • Polaroid-o-nizer

  • people to watch

  • Emma Story
  • Vicki Vick
  • Stevie Ben
  • Shaz Bill
  • Tony Pierce
  • Matt Good
  • Phil Px
  • Raymi Lauren
  • Patrick Zaph

    songs for pants

  • Matt Good
  • Jack Johnson
  • Small Sins
  • Coheed & Cambria
  • Nine Inch Nails

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  • Monday, April 11, 2005
    I realize we are all bogged down by our exam load at this fatefule time of year. So I've decided to let you in on some of my secrets of the trade. To help get you into and out of out of a possibly manic situation. Ahem.. I mean Bi-Polar, my way of saying it isn't PC now more. 1. Allow yourself to way the gravity of the situation. Realize that you won't ever be able to finish all that studying on time. 2. Percieve your room as a prison. Allow the walls to close in on you. Hyperventalate if at all possible. A brown paper bag will be provided for you.
    3. Give up for a while. Look through your cell-bar like blinds and realize that you can, nay, must escape. 4. Do something pointless in the sun. My suggestion is running around with a streamer all the while singing. "La la la la la la la." 5. After about 10 minutes of this. Give or take, depending on the amount of ADHD in your blood. You will inevidebly once again realize the brevity of the situation and running screaming again into your prison.

    Repeat as needed. - This might need to be taken with food -

    EJ [ 2:32 AM ]